
insolent hymns

Monday, January 22, 2007

Cushat Dreams

Beneath her horny toes,
...............the branch
is a memory of window ledge.
Her bird mind is only a thin breeze
in its seed brain,
.........but it is enough.
When she bites through berries they are
French fries on her beak, smeared with grease
of animal fat fingers.
........Cushat dreams of iron trees.
When the wind pierces miles of forest
to ruffle her, she thinks
....................she smells
the distant smell of flying,
vast tracts of stone and glass, the
ruffle of wind through
..........millions of feathers, of pigeons.
Dupe at heart,
.......the thin breeze brings her
grinding sparks between the pebbles,
taste of sulphur on the leaves,
.........endless seas of human feet.